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- Now Opening RIFF File...
- Now Saving File To RIFF Format...
- Clone of
- Untitled
- H: % S: % V: %
- Select Image:
- Save Image As:
- Now Applying Correction to Image...
- Insufficient Memory to Complete This Operation
- Illegal Numeric Format
- Number is Out of Range
- The preferred paper grain library could not be opened.
- Paper Grain Resource Not Found
- Now Building RIFF Compression Table...
- Bad RIFF Data
- Too Many Opened Files
- File Cannot Be Opened
- Insufficient Space on Disk for File
- File Cannot Be Created
- The File Has Been Deleted. Remember to Save Your File.
- Now Cloning Image...
- Clone Buffer Overflow (this shouldn't happen)
- Open Paper Grain File:
- Now Converting Paper Grain Resources...
- Now Copying TIFF File Into Memory...
- Now Saving File to TIFF Format...
- Now Copying PICT File Into Memory...
- Now Saving File to PICT Format...
- File is Not PhotoShop Format
- Errors Reading File Data
- PhotoShop File Must Be RGB Format
- Now Copying PhotoShop File Into Memory...
- Now Saving File to PhotoShop Format...
- TIFF File Has No Full Resolution Image
- Unknown TIFF Compression Type
- TIFF File Has An Unsupported Number of Bits Per Sample
- TIFF File is Planar (Unsupported)
- Bad TIFF File Header
- JPEG Compression Is Not Yet Supported Here
- Bad Data Encountered in TIFF File
- Image is Too Small
- Opened File Must Be an Image
- Now Adjusting Dye Concentration...
- Now Overlaying Color...
- Now Filling With Color...
- Only RGB and Grayscale Acquire are supported
- Plugin Error: ^1
- More than 4 planes not supported in Acquire
- Plugin version not supported
- Bad parameters to plugin
- Scanner not connected
- Problem with scanner
- Bad export mode
- Plugin not compatible with Painter
- Now reading acquire data...
- Now writing export data...
- Now performing filter...
- Open Plugin
- Couldn't Write the Macintosh Scrap
- Couldn't Read the Macintosh Scrap
- Now Writing the Macintosh Scrap...
- Now Reading the Macintosh Scrap...
- Not Enough Memory to Run Painter!
- Undo
- Redo
- Can't Undo
- Painter Temp
- Insufficient Space on Disk to Open New Picture
- Insufficient Space on Disk to Virtualize Pictures
- Disk Error During Virtual Memory Operation - File May Be Corrupted.
- Scratch Pad
- Painter requires a 68020 or better CPU to run.
- Painter requires 32 bit QuickDraw to run (System 6.0.5 or later).
- Now Clearing All Friskets...
- Now Inverting All Friskets...
- Toolbox
- K
- MB
- The maximum number of variants has been exceeded for this brush.
- Select Paper Color
- Bad Number Field
- No Printer is Available
- Errors Printing File
- Now Printing Image...
- Damaged Grain Resource
- Now normalizing texture scaling...
- Now applying surface texture...
- Now building publish data…
- Error during Publish.
- Now saving for undo...
- Now Fading...
- Now rotating the floating selection...
- Now feathering the frisket...
- %d by %d Pixels
- %ld K
- No Thumbnail
- Photoshop
- Targa
- Now applying a paper texture screen to the selection...
- Now Opening BMP File...
- Now Opening PCX File...
- Now Opening Targa File...
- The preferred brush library file could not be opened.
- The preferred frisket library file could not be opened.
- Open Brush Library File:
- Open...
- Close
- >> Copy >>
- << Copy <<
- Brush Mover
- Paper Mover
- Open Paper Library File:
- Standard Built-In
- User-Created
- Frisket Mover
- Open Frisket Library File:
- Couldn't Write the Windows Clipboard
- Couldn't Read the Windows Clipboard
- Now Writing the Windows Clipboard...
- Now Reading the Windows Clipboard...
- Now Saving File to Bitmap Format...
- Now Saving File to PCX Format...
- Now Saving File to Targa Format...
- Painter Cannot Save Files With This Extension.
- New Brush File:
- New Paper Texture File:
- New Frisket File:
- Cannot Open Empty Library
- File is Not Bitmap Format
- File is Not PCX Format
- File is Not Targa Format
- Painter cannot open this Bitmap file
- This library is already open on the other side.
- Change Brush Name
- Change Frisket Name
- Change Paper Name
- Demo Version - to order
- call (408) 688-8800